*world premiere

Alexander Schubert: "Hello" (2014) for flexible ensemble, video and electronics
Alexander Tillegreen: [performance]
Alexandra Hallén: Monologue (2019) for 1 performer [performed by Alexandra Hallén]
Alexandra Hallén: With feathers and human instruments (2023) for 3 performers
Alexandra Hallén: With ice and human instruments (2019) for 3 performers
Arshia Samsaminia: Inside the twisted mind of the Mr. Sophistication (2019) for el.guitar, percussion, piano, cello, saxophone and fixed media*
Arshia Samsaminia: Tehran Syndrome (2022) for el.guitar and electronics*
Asger Valentin: Kvartet Forår 19 (2019) for el.guitar, trombone, saxophone, cello*
Athanasia Kotronia: Händer (2021) for guitar, percussion, piano, cello and video*
Axel Borup-Jørgensen: Carambolage (1976-77) for el.guitar, piano, percussion

Caitlin Rowly: Paper (2016-17) for cello and video
Cake Of Day: Personlige Sange Forfattes (2023) [performed by Cake Of Day]
Casey Cangelosi: Sleight of And Evil Hand (2013) for solo snare drum and bell metronome
Catherine Lamb: point/wave (2015) for justly tuned steel-string guitar and Secondary Rainbow Synthesizer
Cathy van Eck: Song no. 3 (2010) for performer 
Christian Kesten: Urban Café Restroom (2007) for voice and video
Connor McLean: I am a two hearted animal (2019) for el.guitar, percussion, piano, cello, saxophone*
Connor McLean: Before, Behind, Between, Above, Below (2021) for western guitar and spoken word*
Connor McLean: take it all home (2023) for ensemble*

Diana Margarita Ortiz: Tumbar Estatuas (2023) for snare drum & electronics*
Dominik Dieterle: -Solo- (obscured light) (2018) for guitar
Dylan Richards: Up Next (2016) video
Dylan Richards: Carnival of Animals (2020) fixed media
Dylan Richards: & Joss Smith: QR (2022) for synthesizers [performed by Dylan Richards & Joss Smith]

Esben Nordborg: Drones (2020) for el.guitar and 3-D sound or stereo playback*
Evagoras Apokidis: Karesansui II (2020) for guitar, cello, piano and percussion *
Eva-Maria Houben: It’s time to breathe 1-8 (2020) for flexible ensemble
Emil Vijgen: Photobooth Study no. 1 (2020) video
Emil Vijgen: Photobooth Study no. 2 (2021) for el.guitar and video*
Emil Vijgen: Spring Pastludes (2021) for one performer on a spring instrument
Emil Vijgen: Improvisatory Spring Postludes (2021) for two performers on spring instruments
Emil Vijgen: Horizontal Living (2022/2023) for percussion/performer* [written for Hsiao Tung-Yuan]

François Sarhan: Home Work (2008-2011) for solo body percussion
Frej Wedlund: Isolated strands of reflection (2017) for saxophone, percussion & piano
Frej Wedlund: Just Another Campfire Song (2021-2023) for solo guitar and sustain pedal*

Georgia Koumará: wurst (2019) for performer with effect pedals
Giulia Lorusso: À fleur de peau (2019) for el.guitar
Gunnar Berg: Tronqúe (1969) for cello, xylorimba and piano

Hildegard Westerkamp: Kits Beach Soundwalk (1998) for playback
Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir: Thirsty Work (2022) for e.guitar, percussion, cello and piano*
Hughes Dufort: La Cite des Saules (2017) for el.guitar

Igor C. Silva: Gin #122 (2017) for kalimba and electronics

jacob remin: [performance]
Jakob Glans: Festen var sjov (2022/2022) for keyboard, el.guitar, cello, clarinet, microwave and party supplies*
James Black: POSY II – The life of POSY (2020) installation
Jens-Peter Møller: Rondo (2013) for prepared piano, el.organ, el.guitar, cello, trombone & percussion
Jens-Peter Møller: Passing Clouds (2022) for el.guitar, cello, piano and percussion*
Jexper Holmen: Lige nu er jeg glad for jeg ikke er dig (2023) for ensemble* 
Joakim Sandgren: faits saillants [(2015) for cello and electronics
Johanna Bailie: Artificial Environment No. 8 (2013) for piano and electronics [performed by Michael Hope]
Johanna Bailie: He just missed the train (2019) for e.guitar, cello, piano, clarinet, percussion, video and electronics
Joanna Bailie: Roll Call (2018) for piano, tape, video
Johanna Sulalampi: SOS III: Lost in data (2022) for three performers, electronics and video*
Johannes Kreidler: Guitar piece (2014) in a version for video & in a live version
Johannes Kreidler: the impossibility of consciously experiencing the moment of falling asleep (2015) for video
Johannes Kreidler: Typogravitism (2016) for el.guitar and video
Joss Smith: Click the Future! (2019) for guitar, percussion, cello, saxophone, performer and video*
Joss Smith: Oh God, Oh Fuck (2019) for video
Joss Smith: afterimage (2020) for video
Joss Smith: endless tunnel (2021) for guitar, cello, percussion, speaker, two performers, video, electronics and lights* [written for K!ART and Current Resonance]
Joss Smith: Misattributed Signifiers (2022) for guitar, cello, percussion, keys and performer*
Joss Smith: waiting for something to happen? (2023) for piano*
Joss Smith: the eternal clock has stopped and awaits its moment (2023) for solo marimba and electronics*  [written for Hsiao Tung-Yuan]
Julie Kjaer: Sonder (2019) for saxophone, el.guitar, percussion, cello and viola*

Kaj Duncan David: Computer Music (2014/2016) for seven performers with laptops
Kirsten Milenko: Pastiche (2019) for guitar, percussion, cello, piano and saxophone*
Kristin Warfinge: Space Junkyard (2020) for homemade instruments

Lasse Schwanenflügel Piasecki: Cover me (2014) for guitar
Lasse Schwanenflügel Piasecki: Duet for one (2014) for 2 cellists and 1 cello
Lin Ni-Liao: Le train de la vie: V. Alison (2014) for el.guitar and fixed media
Li-Ying Wu: The truth will set you free (2019) for el.guitar, cello, percussion and piano  
Lorenzo Colocci & Gianluca Elia: // YOU ARE THE TUBE // (2022) audiovisual performance for YouTubers/Astronauts
Louis d’Heudieres: Laughter Studies no. 3 (2016) for three performers
Leevi Räsänen: Tunteisiin (2021) for cello, percussion, guitar, piano*

Mads Emil Dreyer: Bølger (2014) for video and sine wave synthesizer Mads Emil Dreyer: Chimera (2023) pt. 1 for 3 performers*
Mads Emil Dreyer: Miniature 2 (2021) for 3 performers with for performers with glockenspiel and keyboards
Marcela Lucatelli: Skrrt, Skrrt (2020) for el.guitar, synthesizer, keyboard, percussion, cello and performer*
Martyna Kosecka: Diafoníes (2021) for el.guitar, percussion, cello, piano and fixed media*
Matthew Grouse: Silberblau (2020) for guitar and electronics
Matthew Grouse: ctrl+Y (2021) for cello, guitar, percussion, keyboard, computer keyboards and electronics * [version two for K!ART]
Matthew Sergeant: Shell (2014) for voice
Maurizio Tedde: L'autodidatta (rev. 2022) for el.bass and electronics
Michael Hope: Sketchbook (2021) for ensemble, staging, video and electronics*
Mikkel Schou: žaRbmaərđnaīli_2þwo (2019) for el.guitar and Max
Mikkel Schou: GanB (2020) for el.guitar and Max
Mikkel Schou: Slcbi (2020) for el.guitar and Max
Monika Szpyrka: zero vaste tip 1: don't waste your music (2017) for sampler
Morten Jensen: The Soul of the Universe (2022) for guitar, piano, cello, percussion & video*
Morton Feldman: the possibility.. (1966) for el.guitar

Nanna Lysdahl Søgaard & Pernille Kaufmann: Bercy Bus Station (2023) for clarinet, cello, percussion and video*
Neli Pantsulaia: Clean up your mess (2019) fixed media*
Neli Pantsulaia: Just the Simplicity of Life (2021) fixed media*
Niklas Brandenhoff: Your Thou I-III (2021) for guitar [performed by August Frey Lydersen Bjerregaard]
Nina Fukuoka: Belgian rare groove & breakbeat (2015) for marimba and electronics
Nina Fukuoka: Horror Project: Yuggoth (2018, rev. 2023) for clarinet, cello and percussion
Nina Fukuoka: trinity of selves (2021) for violin, viola, cello, el.guitar, live-electronics, playback and video (first live performance)
Nina Fukuoka: With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes (2022) for percussion quartet

Olga Szymula: 門 MON (2021) multidisciplinary staged work [performed by Minami Saeki]
Olga Szymula: re- (2023) staged work with video*
Örlygur Arnalds: stykki1 (2022) for e.guitar, piano and cello*

Peter Ablinger: Voices and Piano (since 1998): Angela Davis & Humberto Maturana for piano and electronics
Pilar Miralles: Hunger and Fear Bred Anger (2021) for cello, percussion, piano*

Raphael Cendo: Faction (2011) for el.guitar, percussion and piano
Riccardo Perugini: Nuovo Dizionario Degli Affetti (2021) for cello*
Rob Durnin: 25 Chords a 3 Second Pause and then 10 Chords (2019) for el.bass, saxophone, percussion and voice
Rob Durnin: W'h'ood Thunk Kit (2020) for piano
Rob Durnin: 'n thawt; better'ter see nutin' (2020) for 3 performers, conductor and stagehand
Rob Durnin: what, de facto (2021) meta musical animatronic lo-fi staged piece for 4 performers and computer graphics *
Rob Durnin: Full-Utility (2021) for 4 performers *
Rob Durnin: these gizmos are totally ill-suited for my birthday bash, mom (2021) for drumset *

Sarah Nemtsov: Seven Colours (2018) for el.bass, percussion, cello, piano and electronics
Sara Stevanovic: at times, I let the walls of my house blossom out (2021) for piano*
Sara Stevanovic: when bashful hands assume silence beyond pink hollyhock existence (2022) for el.guitar, cello, piano, percussion, video and electronics*
Sebastian Brix: how sweet it is to bask in sunlight (2021) for guitar [performed by August Frey Lydersen Bjerregaard]
Sól Ey: Liljulag (2020) for cello and live electronics
Sól Ey: thought (2021) for el.guitar
Sól Ey: Haldalda (2020/2022) version for cello, live electronics and video
Sól Ey: Our Secret Ingredient is Time (2023) lecture/performance for speaker and performer on vegetable synthesizer*
Sophia Sagaradze: BLOCKS ("my/your/Our" Choice to develop world) (2019) for piano, percussion, cello, saxophone*
Sowon Yun: One (2019/2023) for live-video and ensemble
Stefan Prins: Generation Kill - offspring 1 (2012) for cello, percussion and 2 performers with game-controllers
Stephen Webb: A Service of Parts (2021) for performer, cello, piano*

The ensemble whose name is uhhhhhmm: Pachelbel's Canyon and other assorted works by us (2020) - video
Tine Surel Lange: De Ni Bølgene (2021) for guitar, clarinet, percussion, cello
Tytti Arola: Rasva (2016) for four microwave ovens and live-electronics

Xavier Bonfill: Don't Look Back. You Are Almost There (2015) for piano quartet
Xavier Bonfill: 28x28 (2014/2016) interactive piece for 4 domino players, game-master, ensemble and electronics
Xavier Bonfill: Sketch #1 (from "travel light") (2018) for modular synthesizer

Ylva Lund Bergner: BE: all-out (”Speak, Dodona”) (2022) for guitar, cello, piano and percussion*

Øyvind Torvund: Willibald Motor Landscape (2012) for el.guitar, cello, clarinet, piano, percussion